This campaign is all about bringing brand awareness to Shake Shack to millennials in city areas. 
Dude 1:​ Duuuuude you have to try this hot dog man this is Good. Stuff.
Dude 2: ​Nah, I’m good with my burger
Dude 1:​ No bro. I’m serious. This thing is crazy. I mean look at this mountain of toppings! Rick's Picks Shack relish, onion, cucumber, pickle, tomato, sport pepper, celery salt, mustard. And oh my god (groans) it just melts together in your mouth like this is the dream team right here man. Dude 2: ​Okay fine. Let me try it.
Dude 1:​ What? Are you crazy? NO way dude, this is mine. I’m going to savor EVERY. LAST. BITE like I might not see another day. I mean it’s THAT good........Hey, let me get some of your fries...
Narrator:​ Monodog – When your friend starts a monologue about his amazing hot dog and then won’t even let you try it.
Shake Shack. We know it’s hard to be selfless when it comes to crisp griddled perfection.
Social Media
Caption: We want to hear from you. What was your funniest #MisshakeMoment? The most liked tweet will win a year's worth of #ShakeShake milkshakes!
If there’s one thing millennials are notorious for, it is taking pictures of their food. As the saying goes, “Pics or it didn’t happen.” We’re here to help you get the PERFECT Instagram shot of your burger with our #ShackCam.
Burger Photoshoot: Sign next to it will say: We know your burger is a star. Make it feel like one with #ShackCam
Shake Shack

Shake Shack
